
Messages from the Trail, April 27-May 1

2020-05-01T09:46:23-04:00May 1st, 2020|News|

"Happiness is in the small details." Quote and photo submitted by Haw River-area volunteer Margaret Lanier, who was reminded of this often by her mother. Photo taken along the Townsend Trail portion of the MST in Greensboro. “Keep

Messages from the MST, April 12-17

2020-04-17T15:33:36-04:00April 17th, 2020|News|

“I’m going back into the woods To listen to the ancient trees Branches long and withered, wise Reaching up to thread my dreams. My faith I’ll place unto them Barks rich with hard-won battle scars Leaves whispering with

Messages from the Trail, April 6 – 10

2020-04-13T12:56:26-04:00April 13th, 2020|News|

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." - Rachel Carson, Silent Spring. / Photo by Danny Bernstein of Sharon McCarthy on the MST along the

“Hope” is the Thing with Feathers

2020-10-09T09:39:21-04:00April 8th, 2020|News|

Dear MST Family: MST friend Jeff Gresko captured this photo of a wind-blown ovenbird warbler near the Mills River Overlook on the MST last May. This little bird reminded me of a famous Emily Dickinson poem: “Hope” is

The Color Purple

2020-03-30T11:22:16-04:00March 30th, 2020|News|

I am wrestling with this newness and unanswerable questions -- just as you are, I'm sure. I can't travel far, but I do take an afternoon walk, a time for my brain to simmer down and my eyes

Start exploring North Carolina – one step at a time.
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