The MST is fortunate to have many Trail Angels, volunteers who provide assistance to long-distance hikers ranging from local information to lodging and food.

We greatly appreciate our Trail Angels’ willingness to give back to the hiking community and the MST. If you are interested in becoming a Trail Angel, please contact Friends through our Volunteer page.

For information about Trail Angels along the trail, click the plus sign to open the entry for the segment you are interested in. Also, if you haven’t already, please let us know about your planned hike. When you’re in the Raleigh area, let us know and one of our staff will try to meet you on the trail and maybe bring you a lunch.

Note that the following listings are provided as an information service for those using the Mountains-to-Sea Trail and do not constitute an endorsement by the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail or the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation of the dependability or safety of the service providers in these listings. Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail does not conduct background checks of Trail Angels, nor verify that they hold any requisite licenses, permits or insurance. Neither Friends of the MST nor the Trail Angels guarantee availability of services for any individual hiker or at any particular time.

Hiker & Trail Angel Etiquette

The Trail Angel community that supports hikers on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail is friendly, eager to help and essential in many parts in the state. As the MST continues to grow in popularity, reliance on volunteer Trail Angels is also growing. Because this relationship is critical, we’ve developed common sense guidelines for the hiker and trail angel network.

Segment 1: Clingmans Dome (Kuwohi) to Waterrock Knob

Entire segment
Craig L. can offer advice, trip planning, and trail updates. He lives 0.5 miles off the MST (6 trail miles northwest of Waterrock Knob near the Mile High Campground). Craig is willing to help in emergency situations and is a member of the Haywood County Search and Rescue team. He can be contacted at 919-889-4262,, and

Segment 2: Waterrock Knob to Pisgah Inn

EB Miles 0.0-42.3; WB Miles 21.4-63.6
Craig L. can offer advice, trip planning, and trail updates. Craig is willing to help in emergency situations and is a member of the Haywood County Search and Rescue team. He can be contacted at 919-889-4262,, and

Segment 3: Pisgah Inn to Black Mountain Campground

EB Mile 29.1; WB Mile 42.4
Brent S. offers camping with water, electricity and WiFi and local shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text or email Brent at 828-335-2861 or at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Entire Segment
Wesley S. offers food, supplies, and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email Wesley at at least a day or two in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 4: Black Mountain Campground to Beacon Heights

Entire Segment
Wesley S. offers food, supplies, and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email Wesley at at least a day or two in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 5: Beacon Heights to Devils Garden Overlook

EB Mile 28.1; WB Mile 56.8
Shelly and John C. offer lodging, camping, meals, water and laundry to long-distance MST hikers. Contact Shelly at or 828-265-6110 or John at or 828-266-3409 (email, text or calls are fine) at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 56.2; WB Mile 28.5
Terry M. has offered camping, water, electricity, and WiFi. He lives 0.4 mile from the intersection of the BRP and NC 16 at Horse Gap. His house is at the end of the gravel road where you pass around an iron gate on the southeast side of BRP. Please call ahead (336-813-2397) so Terry and his neighbors know you are coming.

EB Mile 62.1; WB Mile 22.8
Thomas and Theresa H. provide free camping with a picnic table, fire pit, water, and clothesline in a field next to their house. At MP 256, across from the driveway leading to Mountain View Lodge, follow Don Bare Rd. for 0.2 mile on west side of BRP, opposite of where MST goes. House can be seen from the road. Please call ahead (336-620-3607).

EB Mile 72.5; WB Mile 12.4
Nancy W. offers shuttles to and from Sparta or lodging, trail goodies, and local expertise to long-distance MST hikers in this area. Email her at or call or text her at 336-528-2729, ideally several days in advance, to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 6: Devils Garden Overlook to Pilot Mountain State Park

EVTA has recruited volunteers who can assist hikers on this MST segment. Please e-mail if you need information, a shuttle, or other kinds of help.

Elkin area (approximately EB Mile 36; WB Mile 33)
Suzanne and Bob P. offer lodging, showers, meals, laundry and shuttles to long-distance hikers coming through Elkin. Call or email Suzanne at 336-468-0410 or at least a day or two in advance to make arrangements.

EB Miles 54.2-69.2; WB Miles 0.0-15.0
Celeste Q. provides shuttle services in this portion of the trail to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Text her at 336-577-0703 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 7: Pilot Mountain State Park to Hanging Rock State Park

Entire Segment
Lance and Nancy R. offer shuttles, room and board, camping (electricity and water), laundry and transportation to King or Pilot Mountain for resupply shopping to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call Lance at 315-374-3587 a few days in advance to discuss availability. Please be sure to leave a message if you call, as due to spam phone calls Lance sometimes blocks numbers that don’t leave a message.

Entire Segment
Laura R. offers shuttle services to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text her at 651-426-1412 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Entire Segment
Celeste Q. provides shuttle services in this portion of the trail to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Text her at 336-577-0703 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.


EB Mile 18.5; WB Mile 16.6
Betsy M. offers lodging, laundry and meals to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call her at 336-708-0770 as far in advance as possible to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 8: Hanging Rock State Park to Bryan Park

EB Miles 0.0-36.7; WB Miles 23.7-60.4
Celeste Q. provides shuttle services in this portion of the trail to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Text her at 336-577-0703 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 5.3; WB Mile 54.4
Don S. offers long-distance MST hikers primitive camping near a creek. An outhouse, also suitable for shower bags, is available. Text Don at 336-940-3825 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 21.4-60.4; WB Miles 0.0-39.0
Chris S. offers shuttles, logistics help, and a spare room to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or email Chris at (919) 920-9174 or at least two days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 27.8-50.1; WB Miles 10.4-32.6
Steve R. offers shuttle service, shelter camping, outdoor shower, and electricity to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call Steve at 336-509-2788 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 27.8-53.2; WB Miles 7.2-32.6
Martha and Benny P. offer shuttles, showers, meals, laundry, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text or call Martha at 336-686-6220 or Benny at 720-244-4555 (be sure to leave a message) at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 29.0; WB Mile 31.4
Matt and Amber P. offer camping, water, showers, meals and mail drops to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or text Matt at 336-442-1818 or Amber at 336-407-8716 a day or two in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Around EB Miles 35.8-46.4; WB Miles 14.0-24.6
Steve H. offers shuttles and lodging to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or text Steve at 336-870-1138 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 46.4-60.4; WB Miles 0.0-14.0
Jon S. offers lodging, laundry and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text him at 502-450-3360 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 9: Bryan Park to Eno River State Park

Entire Segment
Bob and Cathy Z. offer shuttles, local expertise and meals to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text or email Bob at 617-500-3451 or at least 2-5 days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-15.7; WB Miles 45.2-60.9
Jon S. offers lodging, laundry and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text him at 502-450-3360 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-15.7; WB Miles 45.2-60.9
Chris S. offers shuttles, logistics help, and a spare room to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or email Chris at (919) 920-9174 or at least two days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 40.6-60.9; WB Miles 0.0-20.3
Charlotte H. offers food, laundry, showers, and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this area. Please call 919-619-2944 or email at least two days in advance to make arrangements.

EB Mile 41.2; WB Mile 19.7
Sherri S. offers meals, lodging, laundry, shuttles and local expertise to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this portion of the trail. Text Sherri at 336-684-2058 at least a day in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 53.6; WB Mile 7.3
Denise D. offers food, showers, laundry facilities, and lodging to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this portion of the trail. Please call 919-370-0685 or email at least a day or two in advance to make arrangements.

EB Miles 54.3-60.9; WB Miles 0.0-6.6
Drew S. offers shuttles and meals to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text or email Drew at 6100-295-3092 or at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 54.3; WB Mile 6.6
C&R Ski/Outdoor, 654 N. Churton St., Hillsborough, 27278, 919-732-8998; This ski and outdoor store, located approximately 1 mile north of the MST, offers showers, package pickup/drop-off services and hiker shuttles within a 10-mile radius of the store, as well as light provisions, snacks, and first aid. Call in advance to make arrangements.

EB Mile 56.4; WB Mile 4.5 (0.5 mile from trail)
A strong supporter of the MST offers a delightful campsite by the river with outside shower, a covered deck for inclement weather, and an electric outlet for charging. To arrange a stay, contact the owner ahead of time for availability and directions via email at or text to 941-365-8417.

Segment 10: Eno River State Park to Falls Lake Dam

Entire Segment
Susan L. offers shuttle services and resupply to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this portion of the trail. Call Susan at 919-961-7827 or email at least a day or two in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Entire Segment
Bob and Cathy Z. offer shuttles, local expertise and meals to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text or email Bob at 617-500-3451 or at least 2-5 days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-36.6; WB Miles 41.9-78.6
Drew S. offers shuttles and meals to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text or email Drew at 610-295-3092 or at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 8.6; WB Mile 70.0
Lauren H. offers camping in her yard, meals, water, toilet, and laundry access to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call Lauren at 919-428-7201 at least four days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 19.3-78.6; WB Miles 0.0-59.3
Eric M. offers shuttles, lodging, showers, laundry and hot breakfast to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call Eric at 919-830-0886 at least two days in advance to make arrangements.

EB Miles 19.3-78.6; WB Miles 0.0-59.3
Cyndi F. offers shuttles, meals, resupply, and local knowledge to long-distance MST hikers and their dogs in this portion of the trail. Email her at a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 19.3-78.6; WB Miles 0.0-59.3
Bob W. offers shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email Bob at at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 55.8-78.6; WB Miles 0.0-22.7
Alan S. (“LookBack”) offers laundry, shuttles for resupply and slackpacking, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Alan can also accept mail drops and Amazon orders for food resupply and gear or shuttles to a local post office. Text Alan at 919-608-1374, preferably at least one day in advance, to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 66.7; WB Mile 11.9
Brenda D. offers beds, meals, laundry, showers, and supply runs to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this portion of the trail. Call or text Brenda at 919-539-2921 two to three days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Around EB Mile 68; WB Mile 12
Michael W. offers laundry, re-supply and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this portion of the trail. Text Michael at 760-532-6304 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 78.6; WB Mile 0.0
John L. offers lodging or camping, showers, meals, laundry, shuttles within 10 miles, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email or text him at or 919-383-7620 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 11: Falls Lake Dam to Howell Woods

EB Mile 0.0; WB Mile 66.2
John L. offers lodging or camping, showers, meals, laundry, shuttles within 10 miles, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email or text him at or 919-383-7620 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-18.2; WB Miles 48.1-78.6
Alan S. (“LookBack”) offers laundry, shuttles for resupply and slackpacking, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Alan can also accept mail drops and Amazon orders for food resupply and gear or shuttles to a local post office. Text Alan at 919-608-1374, preferably at least one day in advance, to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-38.5; WB Miles 27.7-66.2
Susan L. offers shuttle services and resupply to long-distance MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in this portion of the trail. Call Susan at 919-961-7827 or email at least a day or two in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-35.4; WB Miles 30.8-66.2
Cyndi F. offers shuttles, meals, resupply, and local knowledge to long-distance MST hikers and their dogs in this portion of the trail. Email her at a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 10.7-52.8; WB Miles 13.4-55.5
Grace I. offers shuttles and resupply to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or text Grace at 919-412-2944 at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 27.2-50.0; WB Miles 16.1-39.0
Neve M.A. (Camino de Santiago 2012, ’14, ’16) offers camping, meals, shower and laundry facilities, and shuttles for long-distance MST hikers (shuttles and indoor facilities only for hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19) coming through the Clayton area. Contact her by text at 919-961-1014 at least a couple of days in advance to make arrangements.

EB Miles 33.9-50.1; WB Miles 16.1-32.4
Larry B. offers camping and shuttles to hikers seeking to complete the MST in this portion of the trail, near Clayton. Please call Larry at 919-669-4644 or Lisa at 919-818-9104 or e-mail Larry at at least a day or two in advance to make arrangements.

Segment 12: Howell Woods to Suggs Mill Pond Game Land

EB Miles 38.3-50.8; WB Miles 14.8-27.4
Greg and Alice B. offer shuttles, lodging or camping, long term parking, and use of washer and dryer to hikers seeking to complete the MST in this portion of the trail, near Roseboro. Please call Greg at 910-385-7957 or Alice at 910-385-7958 or e-mail two or three days in advance to confirm availability and make arrangements.

Segment 13: Suggs Mill Pond Game Land to Singletary Lake State Park

Entire Segment
Dianne and Carl deA. have volunteered to assist hikers with camping, shuttles, water, and information in the area of White Lake. In addition, they can provide lodging and laundry facilities to MST hikers. Please contact Dianne at 910-876-1313 or Carl at If possible, please contact them at least a day or two in advance to make arrangements.

Segment 14: Singletary Lake State Park to Holly Shelter Game Land

EB Mile 12.9; WB Mile 53.1
The Kelly Historical Museum, Natmore Rd., Kelly, 28448, allows long-distance MST hikers to obtain water and camp. For permission, call Richard Smith at 910-991-2207. If you do not reach Richard, call Linda Robins at 910-612-8235. Donations to support the museum are greatly appreciated.

EB Miles 30.8-66.0; WB Miles 0.0-35.2
Katie F. offers camping, lodging, showers, meals, shuttles, and local advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email or text Katie at or 828-755-7505, ideally about three weeks in advance, to check availability and make arrangements.

Approximately EB Mile 50.4; WB Mile 15.6
BeBe’s Bed and Breakfast offers free lodging, laundry, local shuttles, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Contact Brenda Allen at 713-367-5454 or as far in advance as possible to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 15: Holly Shelter Game Land to Stella

Entire Segment
Tim and Cathy S. offer meals, shuttles, local information, and other logistical help to long-distance MST hikers in Segment 15, and can help with lodging/camping, showers, and laundry. They may also have a bag of trail treats and staged water waiting. Call or text Tim at 813-317-1410 or Cathy at 910-382-1425, ideally about a week in advance, to make arrangements.

EB Miles 0.0-38.2; WB Miles 52.2-90.4
Katie F. offers camping, lodging, showers, meals, shuttles, and local advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Email or text Katie at or 828-755-7505, ideally about three weeks in advance, to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 18.9-90.4; WB Miles 0.0-71.5
Spencer D. offers shuttles, meals or resupply to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. He is available 5 am-6:45 am or 5 pm-9:30 pm on weekdays, or any time weekends. Call, text or email him at 336-880-2767 or at least three days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 37.7-90.4; WB Miles 0.0-52.6
Jimmy D. offers shuttles, camping or lodging, showers, food, laundry, and local expertise to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or text Jimmy at 910-381-4990 at least 24 hours in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 54.3; WB Mile 36.2
Tim R. offers camping on his property along the trail at 339 High Hill Rd., Jacksonville. Water is available, but there are currently no restroom facilities. Call 910-347-6861 or simply look for him on the property.

EB Miles 56.1-90.4; WB Miles 0.0-34.3
Dori A. offers lodging, showers, laundry, meals, and shuttles to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Contact Dori through the Friends Facebook group or by email at a few days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 16: Stella to Oyster Point Campground

Entire Segment
Mikey D. offers camping, showers, laundry, shuttles and local advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text (preferred) Mikey at 252-646-9221 or email him at at least 24 hours in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Entire Segment
Jimmy D. offers shuttles, camping or lodging, showers, food, laundry, and local expertise to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Call or text Jimmy at 910-381-4990 at least 24 hours in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 44.1-67.4; WB Miles 0.0-23.3
Sue and Gene H. offer shuttles and local expertise on the Neusiok Trail for MST hikers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Contact them at 252-447-4061 or a week in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

Segment 17: Oyster Point Campground to Cedar Island Ferry

Entire Segment
Mikey D. offers camping, showers, laundry, shuttles and local advice to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text (preferred) Mikey at 252-646-9221 or email him at at least 24 hours in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Mile 1.5; WB Mile 46.4
Reece’s Chapel Baptist Church, 171 Old Winberry Rd., Newport, 28570. For permission to camp or get water from the spigot on the back of the building, call the church at 252-726-3276. If no one answers, call John P. at 252-342-5549.

EB Mile 5.3; WB Mile 42.6
Harlowe United Methodist Church, 4261 NC 101, Newport, 28570. To camp or get water from spigot on right side of parking area under a rock cover, call Bert T. at 252-241-6815. If you do not get an answer, please text him.

EB Mile 17.2; WB Mile 30.7
Woodville Baptist Church, 450 US 70, Beaufort, 28516. For permission to camp under the drive-through in inclement weather at night, call Terri M. at 252-241-7556. A water spigot is available.

EB Mile 27.7; WB Mile 20.2
Davis First Baptist Church, 130 Community Drive, Davis, 28524. For permission to get water or to camp, call Edward R. at 252-729-8771.

EB Mile 32.3; WB Mile 15.7
Stacy Free Will Baptist Church, 1290 US 70, Stacy, 28581. For permission to get water or camp, call Earl at 252-225-7711.

EB Mile 34.1; WB Mile 13.8
Lighthouse Community Church, 2015 US 70 E, Stacy, 28581.
The church allows camping and use of a water spigot behind the church. A call to Joyce G. at 252-241-8687 is appreciated but not required.

Segment 18: Cedar Island Ferry to Jockey’s Ridge State Park

Friends member Allen P. has volunteered to assist hikers with advice and planning help and emergency assistance. Please call 252-423-1344 (cell) or 252-473-5421 (home) if you need information or other kinds of help. Allen does not provide shuttles or housing for hikers.

EB Miles 0.0-14.3; WB Miles 67.7-82.0 (Ocracoke Island)
Rebecca C. provides lodging (in a screenroom), showers, laundry, bike loans, and local and ferry information to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text Rebecca at 678-558-7899 at least a few days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 14.3-82.0; WB Miles 0.0-67.7
Suzanne H. offers shuttles, possibly lodging, showers, meals, laundry, and local expertise and advice to long-distance MST hikers (preferably fully vaccinated for COVID-19, but she is open to certain contacts with unvaccinated hikers). Email Suzanne at at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements. Please include “MST” in the subject line.

EB Miles 26.4-82.0; WB Miles 0.0-55.7
George and Mary W. offer lodging, meals, laundry, shuttles and local expertise to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text Mary at 252-314-6368 or email Mary and George at and at least a couple of days in advance to check availability and make arrangements.

EB Miles 26.4-82.0; WB Miles 0.0-55.7
Judy M. and Ed H. offer shuttles and meal drops to long-distance MST hikers in this portion of the trail. Text Judy at 252-216-7562 at least a couple of days (ideally a week) in advance to check availability and make arrangements.