Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2021-02-10T16:35:48-05:00

Photo © Keith Sidden

How many miles of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail are finished?2022-08-01T10:59:45-04:00

The trail is open for hiking across the state. About 720 miles of trail—more than half the planned length—are currently on natural surface or greenway trail, unpaved forest roads, or beach. A series of connectors on bicycle routes and back roads knit together finished sections to span the state. In addition, there are two alternative paddle route options: 27.5 miles on the Yadkin River paddle trail between Elkin and Pilot Mtn. State Park, and the 170-mile Neuse River Paddle Route on the coastal plain.

When will the Mountains-to-Sea Trail be completed?2020-07-24T12:00:59-04:00

The current route of the MST includes 700 miles of trail and about 500 miles of connecting roads. Our goal is a continuous off-road trail across North Carolina, and each year, as new trail opens, Friends adjusts the current route to incorporate that new trail. Over the last ten years, an average of 15 new miles of trail have opened each year.  We expect that this rate of change is likely to continue in the foreseeable future.

Although many miles of the trail are still on roads, most people who complete the entire trail greatly enjoy the experience. However, if you are a person who does not want to walk on connecting roads, the MST has many long stretches of trail that are completely off road. Look at the trail segment page of this website to find parts of the trail that most suit your interests.

Who is building the trail?2024-08-21T10:18:15-04:00

The Mountains-to-Sea Trail represents a creative partnership involving local communities and trail groups, land trusts, federal and state land agencies, private landowners, the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation, and Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (Friends).

The trail is an official part of the state parks system, but segments of it are managed by different agencies and local governments. Local communities help connect the trail through links to greenways and urban trails. Land trusts help acquire land. Friends provides volunteers, support and serves as a clearinghouse for information.

How was the route chosen?2024-08-21T10:19:19-04:00

Trail planners began by making use of existing trails on public lands and connected them to key natural features across North Carolina. By doing this, they developed a generalized trail corridor. After the Mountains-to-Sea Trail was adopted as part of the state parks system, parks planners worked with local communities and Friends to develop plans for particular areas.

How can I find the trail?2024-08-21T10:21:04-04:00

Friends maintains an interactive Google map and publishes guides for the 18 segments of the trail plus one alternate. The MST is also on FarOut. In addition, several books and maps are published by others.

Do I need a permit to walk the Mountains-to-Sea Trail?2024-08-21T10:22:51-04:00

Backcountry permits are required for camping (but not for day-hiking) in the following areas:

  • Year-round in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Segment 1)
  • On weekends and holidays from May 1-Oct. 31, the Linville Gorge Wilderness Area (Segment 4)

Permits cost $4.00 per person, per night, in GSMNP and are free in the Linville Gorge. See the trail guides for these segments for more information about permits in these areas.

Permits are not required for hikers elsewhere on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.

What’s the best time of year to hike the trail?2020-07-24T12:03:13-04:00

Spring and fall months in North Carolina offer the best combination of cooler weather, scenic beauty and fewer biting insects.

How is the trail marked?2023-03-06T16:09:47-05:00

The blaze designating the Mountains-to-Sea Trail is a white circle, about three inches in diameter. In addition, the MST is transitioning to a new blaze to distinguish it as one of North Carolina’s state trails. Still a three-inch circle, the new blaze includes the MST’s logo and NC State Parks’ web address. Eventually, these will replace the plain white circles at selected locations throughout the state, mainly at trailheads and trail junctions.

What will I see along the route?2020-07-24T12:02:02-04:00

The Mountains-to-Sea Trail is as diverse as the state it showcases. Depending on the section of the trail, you may see mountain vistas, rolling Piedmont farms, picture postcard colonial towns, weathered tobacco barns, old textile villages, country churches, rushing mountain streams, coastal swamps, hardwood and pine forests, lighthouses, sand dunes and miles of seashore. There is so much to see — a little bit of most everything that makes North Carolina special including friendly people.

Should I carry a camera?2020-07-24T11:56:02-04:00

YES, the scenery along the way is great and you will want to have photos of your adventure.

If you take photos, please take a moment to share them with us on facebook or on Instagram at #mountainstoseatrail

Is shuttle service available for hikers?2020-07-24T12:02:23-04:00

Read the Trail Angels and Shuttle Services pages of our website for information about potential shuttles.

Are there campsites or lodging on the MST?2023-08-07T10:36:09-04:00

The MST does not have a system of campsites and shelters such as on the Appalachian Trail. If you plan to be on the MST overnight, consult our Trail Guides for each segment or the FarOut app for the latest information. Friends does not condone any illegal camping, trespassing on public or private lands, or stealth camping. Some areas, such as the Blue Ridge Parkway, have very limited campgrounds. Park rangers are known to give citations for camping at unauthorized locations.

What’s a Trail Angel? How does it work?2022-08-01T12:53:34-04:00

Trail Angels are friendly people who volunteer to provide assistance to long-distance hikers ranging from local information to lodging and food. In many places, Trail Angels provide essential support for hikers to successfully navigate a portion of the trail. To ask for assistance from a Trail Angel, first read their listings to pick an Angel that provides what you need. Then contact them with plenty of time to arrange the assistance. Also, make sure to read and understand the Hiker & Trail Angel Etiquette.

What first aid concerns should I be aware of?2020-07-24T11:58:52-04:00

Attend a first aid course offered by a local YMCA or Red Cross Center before beginning a long-distance hike. Several books are available in bookstores about wilderness first aid, but hands-on classes are the best. We only highlight a few first aid issues here.

  • One of hikers’ worst nightmares is blistered feet. Always break-in your boots properly and carry mole skin or duct tape for wrapping your feet.
  • The importance of treating all drinking water cannot be stressed enough. Catching giardiasis from parasites in untreated water will put you off the trail for weeks. Stop for water frequently to avoid dehydration. You are only truly self-sufficient when you have enough water in your pack. Another way to stay healthy is to wash your dishes properly.
  • You will encounter insects, especially in the coastal section. Make sure you have adequate bug repellent. Snakes are often seen but bites are rare, unless provoked. Watch for bears in the mountains and the coastal section. The state’s largest bear, weighing 880 pounds, was shot near New Bern. Make sure you hang all food and anything with an odor to avoid attracting unwanted visitors. Bear spray is recommended for your MST trip.
  • Sunburn can easily ruin portions of a long-distance trip. Apply sunscreen. Some brands of sunscreen come with insect repellent.
  • Frostbite, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are real issues that you must be aware of depending on the time of year you hike the MST. Familiarize yourself with signs of each of these conditions, and always make sure someone knows your general location on the trail.
Is hunting allowed on the MST?2024-12-20T11:17:38-05:00

Much of the MST is on National Forests, state game lands, or other areas where hunting is allowed. In other areas, including national and state parks, hunting is not permitted. Each of our segment guides includes a “Hunting” section with information about whether and where hunting is allowed on the segment.

Certain areas are closed on specific days when hunting is allowed. For one of those areas, Suggs Mill Pond Game Land, we have created a calendar showing closure dates. For others, we periodically receive closure notices and forward them to our Trail Updates mailing list as well as putting them on our Updates page.

When hiking during hunting season in areas where hunting is allowed, always wear blaze orange, and consider postponing your trip, especially on popular hunting days.

Will I have to deal with strangers?2020-07-24T11:56:59-04:00

Typically people are friendly along the MST, although you will need to use common sense.

Should I carry a gun?2020-07-24T11:57:21-04:00

No. In some places along the MST, firearms are not allowed.

Other than bears, what else should I worry about?2020-07-24T11:56:36-04:00

Dogs are occasionally a problem along the road sections of the MST. Dogs may be startled by bikes or strangers with poles and, although it is rare, may attack. If you see a dog while hiking or biking, talk to the dog in a soft friendly tone and pause for a few moments before proceeding. To a dog, you may appear threatening as you barrel down the trail towards them. If you feel threatened by an off leash dog and the owner is present, simply ask the owner to please leash their dog. If you are attacked by a dog, you can protect yourself with hiking poles or bear spray.

Can I ride my horse on the MST?2024-03-18T11:44:45-04:00

Land managers prohibit horses on most of the MST. The only sections that currently allow horses are:

  • In Segment 5, the portion on the Cone Manor Carriage Trails (EB Miles 15.6-23.5; WB Miles 61.5-69.3)
  • In Segment 6, the section on the Middle and Lower Falls and Bridle Spur trails (EB Miles 9.5-12.3; WB Miles 56.9-59.7)
  • In Segment 7, the Corridor Trail (EB Miles 0.0-6.3; WB Miles 28.8-35.0); and the Sauratown Trail/Tory’s Den Trail (EB Miles 13.7-30.9; WB Miles 4.1-21.4); some of this stretch is on roads, where horses may not be allowed
  • In Segment 16, a short section collocated with the Pine Cliff Equestrian Trails (EB Miles 44.1-47.7; WB Miles 19.7-23.3)

In some cases, these trails connect to other non-MST trails that are open to horses, which allow for longer rides.

Can I ride my bike on the MST?2023-11-06T11:26:28-05:00

Bicycles are prohibited on most of the natural surface trail portions of the MST. A few areas are open to bikes:

  • Segment 4, EB Miles 7.6-19.5; WB Miles 57.0-68.9—The Woods Mountain area between Buck Creek Gap and Woodlawn
  • Segment 4, EB Miles 53.7-57.3; WB Miles 19.2-22.8—The Greentown Mountain Trail from NC 181 to Forest Service Road 198
  • Segment 6, EB Miles 29.9-36.7; WB Miles 32.5-39.3—The Elkin & Alleghany Rail-Trail and other trails between Elkin and Carter Falls

Cycling is permitted on all roads and multi-use paths on the MST, including forest roads and sandy roads in North Carolina Game Lands.

In addition, cycling is generally allowed on beaches but may be subject to wildlife protection closures.

For cyclists interested in riding across the state, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has developed an on-road route known as the Mountains to Sea route (NC Bike Route 2). More information on this bike route is available at Friends of the MST is not involved with this route.

Can I bring my dog on the MST?2020-07-24T11:54:05-04:00

Dogs are welcome most places on the MST, but should always be on a leash. In many cases, especially near cities, this is legally required, but it’s always a good idea. Your dog may be friendly and well-behaved, but other trail users don’t know that, and other dogs that could interact with yours may not be.

A few places on the MST, notably Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Sauratown Trail (most of Segment 7), and Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, prohibit dogs. Other areas may restrict or prohibit dogs at certain times. Each segment guide has further details about any limitations on dogs in that segment.

How many people have completed the trail?2024-08-21T10:23:55-04:00

See the list of people who have completed the trail. New hikers attempt it every year.

How long does it take to thru-hike the trail?2024-08-21T10:24:57-04:00

Hiking time varies depending on the speed and fitness of the hiker. A fair estimate for planning a hike is to allow three to four months to walk the trail. The sections currently located on roads and greenways can be covered more quickly on bicycles and the alternate Neuse River paddle (Segments 11A-16A) will shorten your trip through the Coastal Plain.

People who plan to hike the entire trail are encouraged to contact Friends, so we can provide information and help as needed and recognize your accomplishment when you finish.

What is the best time frame for thru-hiking the trail?2024-08-21T10:25:55-04:00

The ideal time to hike the MST is the spring or fall when temperatures are not extremely hot or cold. If you plan to start your hike early in the year, it often works best to hike west – leaving from the coast and heading toward the mountains. That way you’ll avoid high temperatures and bugs in the coastal areas and reach the mountains after snow and ice have melted.  Snow is a possibility as late as April at high elevations in the mountains. If you plan to start in the summer or fall, begin at Clingmans Dome and head east to the coast as temperatures cool. Starting the trail in the fall would allow you the added bonus of colorful fall leaves. By the time you reach the coast in the fall, temperatures should still be favorable.

Based on the experience of past MST thru-hikers, it typically takes 3-4 months to complete this adventure. It can be shorter if you bike the roads or greenways, or paddle the Neuse (Segments 11A-16A). Make sure you plan for days off, or what are known as “zero days,” since you don’t add miles on those days. Your body will need rest, and you should plan to be off the trail a day or so. Some hikers take days off for bad weather and also to see attractions in the area.

To plan your hike, consult the trail guides and interactive Google map. Develop a good estimate of how many miles you can travel in an average day. Most hikers start out hiking 10 to 12 miles a day, depending on physical condition (see also the fitness section). Create an itinerary and pencil in where you plan to stop each night. You may run ahead or behind schedule, but you still need a plan of attack before hitting the MST. For safety reasons, share your itinerary with several people.

Logistics will be an everyday issue while on the trail. The best way to change plans or coordinate food or supply drops is to carry a cell phone although coverage may be spotty in remote areas. The cell phone can also serve for emergency purposes. To save the battery, turn the phone off when not in use.


How much food do I need for a thru-hike?2020-07-24T11:58:30-04:00

A typical hiker burns 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day on the trail. Therefore, large quantities of food are key! You will almost certainly lose weight on this cross-state adventure and gain lots of muscle too. There are three ways to get your food while hiking the MST. Choose one or more that will work best for you and plan your trip accordingly.

  •  Restock food supplies from local stores and gas stations you pass along the MST. You will be able to purchase fresh food, but this method can be very expensive because these stores often mark up their products since they cannot buy in bulk. Sometimes selections can be limited, and if the store is closed when you arrive you will not be able to shop. Hiking into town tacks on additional mileage, and on the way back you have added more weight to your back.
  • Ship your food to a post office close to the MST. Post offices near the MST are listed in the trail guide for each segment. This option requires a family member or friend to ship packages of food, clothes, and extra gear to the indicated post office at specific times. In addition, you may also send home items that you do not need anymore, such as camera film or dirty clothes. This system is very commonly used along the Appalachian Trail. Post offices are usually open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and closed on major holidays, so plan accordingly. The cost of shipping is another item to factor into your budget. (See cost section below.)
  • You can obtain food along the trail by having family or friends meet you along the trail or on a nearby road to bring you supplies. Family or friends can arrive with another week or so of food — and a few treats to eat right away (e.g., cold soda or chocolate bars). In addition, you may have friends who plan to hike certain sections with you. They can assist you by bringing food and additional gear.

You can also arrange for your vehicle to “follow” you across the state with food and gear. Once every five-to-seven days, arrange to meet a friend who can give you a ride to your vehicle. Replenish your supplies, and then move your vehicle to the new starting point on the MST. If you do this, always park your vehicle in a secure place. This option requires that you carry a cell phone so you can change pick-up times and locations if necessary.

The types of food a thru-hiker eats can vary greatly. Most thru-hikers use dehydrated meals and prepackaged foods purchased in bulk. Super centers like Sam’s Wholesale, Costco, or BJ’s warehouse are good places to buy food in bulk for your trip. Dehydrating food yourself is a rewarding yet time-consuming option. Several books have been written on backcountry cooking and food. For long-distance hikes, canned goods are too heavy and bulky.

You may also want to consider a daily multivitamin tablet if you do not already take one.

What kind of fitness do I need to be in for a thru-hike?2020-07-24T11:59:15-04:00

“Trail legs” are hard to get and easy to lose. Walking, running, biking, cross-country skiing, and weight lifting before starting your trek will benefit you immensely. At a minimum, start an exercise program 3 to 6 months before hitting the trail. This is an excellent time to kick the smoking habit too, if necessary. In preparation for your trip, take several day hikes to break in your boots and weekend backpacking trips to make sure you have the right gear and your body is becoming conditioned. When you begin hiking the MST, stretch your legs well before and after a day of hiking. After about two weeks of hiking, you will feel the trail legs.

How much does a thru-hike typically cost?2020-07-24T11:58:01-04:00

Developing a budget for a thru-hike is a must. A typical MST trip can cost between $1,500 and $5,000. Items to factor into your MST budget are health insurance, gear, food, gas, hotel/motel costs, shipping costs, phone cards or cell phone bills, mortgage/rent, income, etc.

Should I have a hiking partner for a thru-hike?2020-07-24T11:59:36-04:00

Hiking alone or with one or more hiking partners is a personal preference. A solo hike can and has been done on the MST, although having a partner has its advantages. Planning and logistics such as car shuttling can be easier with a partner, and it is always safer to have a partner when hiking any trail.

How can I keep track of my progress on the trail?2024-12-20T11:27:45-05:00

Everyone has their own preferred way to log their path toward completion, so we can’t suggest a single best option. However, if it’s helpful, we have created a spreadsheet showing the primary trailheads, which you can adapt as you like. You can download the spreadsheet here. Note that the spreadsheet will be updated only when we add or remove trailheads from the route, so some of the mileages or descriptions may be outdated. Use the spreadsheet at your own risk.

How can I get involved?2020-07-24T12:00:43-04:00

Good question! You can help in a variety of ways:

  • You can volunteer to build trail and help in a variety of other ways.
  • You can become a member by giving a tax-deductible donation to Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. The non-profit Friends group promotes the trail, coordinates trail building activities and serves as a clearinghouse for information.
  • You can sign up for our e-mail newsletter so we can keep you informed of progress and opportunities to get involved.
What should I do if I see an issue on the trail that Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail needs to address?2023-03-02T08:39:41-05:00

Please fill out our web form to let us know.

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