If you’ve passed through the Bayleaf Church Road area on the Falls Lake section of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail lately, you may have noticed a new addition to the trailhead. Friends staff member, Ben Jones, recently designed and built a new trailhead kiosk that we hope will become the norm for trailheads across the state! There are already more locations planned along Falls Lake and other spots along the trail, including Bentonville and Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest.

This project would not have been possible without the help of NC State Parks employees, Elliot McDowell and Amy Sawyer, Sara Birkemeier of 8 Dot Graphics, and fellow MST staff member Jim Grode. Good work team!

Next time you’re in the Bayleaf Church Road area, stop and check out the kiosk. Let us know what you think and keep an eye out for new ones as they’re installed!