
Bridge Ribbon Cutting in Bladen County

2023-02-24T14:56:49-05:00February 21st, 2023|News, Trail Updates|

(photo by Stephanie Barnhill Neal) Despite the rain, nearly 40 people joined Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail at Jones Lake State Park and Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest in Bladen County on February 17 for a ribbon cutting

2022-08-25T14:41:06-04:00August 25th, 2022|Birthday Hike, Great Day Hikes of the MST|

We're excited about all the ways you can celebrate the 45th birthday of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail in September.  We plan yearly events to celebrate how far the trail has come since September 1977, when Howard Lee, then secretary

40 Hikes and a Baby

2022-05-13T10:03:29-04:00May 13th, 2022|Great Day Hikes of the MST, News|

We are sharing tales from the MST as hikers are pursuing the 40 Hike Challenge. Today, Allie shares the tale of  her adventures across North Carolina with her newborn son.   My name is Allie, and I'm a

Start exploring North Carolina – one step at a time.
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