Photo © Adam Collins

The interactive map below allows you to explore multiple aspects of the MST – the route across the state, terrain, and satellite imagery. We’ve also added icons to help you find trail segments and mileage, parking, and trail alerts, as well as photos taken along the trail route.

The route on this map depicts the “current” route – the combination trail/backroad route that people use now to complete the MST. New trail is being built each year and we adjust the “current” route to incorporate that new trail as soon as feasible.

This interactive map is for overview purposes only. If you are planning a hike, the most comprehensive hiking information is found on the Trail Guide page of this website and in the FarOut app.  Please also check Trail Updates for notice of very recent changes.

For information about current trail status in the mountains after Hurricane Helene, visit this “MST-Hurricane Helene Recovery Status” Google Map.

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