Lone cypress at Jones Lake | Photo © PJ Wetzel

Lone cypress at Jones Lake | Photo © PJ Wetzel

Segment 13: Carolina Bay Country

Suggs Mill Pond Game Land to Singletary Lake State Park

HikingRoad BikingTrail Communities on Route
  • Distance: 39.2 miles (2.8 on singletrack trail, 11.8 on unpaved or forest roads, some of which may be closed to traffic, and 24.6 on paved roads)

  • Difficulty: difficulty: easy

  • Trail Community: White Lake

  • Check Trail Updates before starting your hike. To receive email notifications of new trail updates, click here and subscribe to “Trail Updates.”

    If you find hazardous conditions or maintenance needs along the trail, please notify us using the form at mountainstoseatrail.org/the-trail/trail-issues.

    Throughout hunting season, September-February and April-May, Suggs Mill Pond Game Land, except access to Horseshoe Lake via Campground and Lake Rds. from Live Oak Methodist Church Rd., is closed to non-hunters during permit hunts, which can happen as often as six days/week. Refer to our online calendar to see when hunts are scheduled.

Segment 13 Map

By Kate Dixon, Jim Grode and Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail

This 39-mile segment allows hikers to explore one of the most diverse and intriguing ecological areas in the nation as well as a Revolutionary War site and the resort community of White Lake.

The route traverses public lands that protect many “Carolina Bays,” elliptical depressions all aligned in a northwest to southeast direction. The bays provide habitat for many rare and endangered species, and theories abound about how they were originally formed. Some of the more famous bays along the trail route, including Jones, White, and Singletary, are large lakes. In other places, hikers should look for bays without standing water—still with the same shape and directional alignment. The bays are named for the bay tree which grows in many of them.

At Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest, hikers can also learn about the naval stores industry, which tapped longleaf pine for tar and turpentine until the Civil War, and about the role that public-land managers in Bladen County are playing today to revive the population of endangered Red-cockaded Woodpeckers.

This segment includes several stretches through game lands and state forests that may be closed to hikers because of hunting, timbering, or burning. See the “Special Considerations” sections and hiking directions for this segment for more information about possible closures and alternate routes.

Highlights Include

  • Carolina Bays at Suggs Mill Pond Game Land, Jones Lake State Park, the town of White Lake, and Singletary Lake State Park
  • Harmony Hall Plantation, one of the oldest residences in North Carolina, built before the Revolutionary War
  • Jones Lake State Park with its beautiful bay-forest ecosystem. The land for Jones Lake State Park was purchased through a federal Depression-era program, and it was opened in 1939 as North Carolina’s first State Park for African Americans. Learn more from Our State magazine’s feature “The Safest Place: The Stewards of Jones Lake State Park.”
  • Interpretive signs at Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest about the ecology and history of the area
  • The town of White Lake, a resort community where hikers can take a break to swim and sun or play putt-putt and ride a Ferris wheel!
  • Interpretive signs at Singletary Lake State Park exploring some of the theories of the origins of the Carolina Bays

Special thanks to Business Member White Lake Holiday Resort for its generous support of the MST in Segment 13.


Seg13B-Lg5-Tom Earnhardt-Golden Orb Weaver at Jones Lake State Park
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