Gathering of Friends

2021 unGathering of Friends Registration is Open

2021-09-07T18:03:06-04:00February 27th, 2021|Gathering of Friends|

Join us for the unGathering of Friends! The full two-day schedule is up and registration open for the unGathering of Friends, Friday and Saturday, March 26th-27th -- our virtual annual meeting. The unGathering opens Friday evening with a “members-only” Celebration and Happy Hour.

MST Friends Gather in Surf City

2021-09-07T18:17:28-04:00April 12th, 2019|Gathering of Friends|

More than 270 Friends of the MST came together in Surf City the weekend of March 22-24 for our annual Gathering weekend in Surf City and surrounding trail communities.  Our hosts, Pender County Tourism and the Town of

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