A group of more than 40 people came together in early January to help with some much needed improvements on the Neusiok Trail section of the MST in Croatan National Forest (Segment 16). By day’s end a significant portion of trail north of the Highway 306 crossing (closed since hurricane Florence in September 2018) would be passable.

Photo by Steve Chase

Photo by Steve Chase
Other tasks included clearing downfalls south of Mill Creek Road, clearing miles of brush, and installing fresh trail markers.

Getting ready to cut a deadfall on the Neusiok Trail. (Photo by Sue Huntsman)
Roger Mays had this to say about the day, “Occasional peeks of Cahooque Creek sparkling in the distance contrasted with the still winter woods. Part of a group of 9 people marching in to straighten a bridge on a cold Saturday morning, we were appropriately bundled up for the chill and protected from the unseen virus and all glad to be outdoors in such a beautiful place. The first couple of miles in a few birds announced our arrival, a bridge tilted by storm surge from hurricane Florence, or Dorian, or possibly Michael, was passable but precarious to cross. A couple of hours and a few wet feet later we left it in better condition but we’re thankful the US Forest Service has plans (and funding) to replace these old bridges in the near future.”

Members of Boy Scout Troop 81 installing a trail marker on a newly disturbed section of the Neusiok Trail in Craven County. (Photo by Sue Huntsman)

Trail workers clearing a section of the Neusiok Trail. (Photo by Sue Huntsman)
While we do not yet have the official green light from the US Forest Service to share that the Neusiok Trail has been reopened in its entirety, we can rest assured that the hard work of these volunteers helped bring that day one step closer. Thanks for all of your hard work, Friends!

Photos by Geoffrey Benton
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